The awkward stage...
25. Established. Growing towards a successful career. Buying life insurance. Investing. Actually utilizing your savings account you've had since freshman year of college.
Life says "Welcome to adulthood...start conforming"
In many ways I have. In many ways I refuse.
I've travelled the world, yet I haven't even seen 1% of it. The stamps on my passport aren't loud enough. Aren't bold enough. Aren't just that...enough.
Many would think, "you spent 2 months off work traveling the world, I think you've met your quota this year" then why am I itching for more still?
I'm back to the routine I was. I'm hustling hard and proving myself of different capabilities that I wouldn't ever have to out there in the world as a wanderer. I think it's important to know both sides.
Traveling and being free is so rewarding but want to know what is also rewarding? Being pushed out of your comfort zone and striving for more than you've ever known.
I'm on that chapter in life. The one where most people my age haven't had the opportunity to experience. I learned lessons out there on the road that I'm applying to my daily life. To be kind. To not stress. To embrace being uncomfortable. To appreciate "convenience"....and coffee creamer lol
I wake up, listen to positive vibes in the form of motivational speakers...thinking, if I'm super successful can I pull off the mom hair cut? Cause I'm tired of doing this
But that's just's discipline. It's the little things. Doing my hair so I am more presentable. So I feel better. Confident. It's apart of my process.
Just as being on the road...apart of my process was not doing my makeup. Prioritizing knowing how to get to the bus station and which stop I'm getting off at...because THAT was only going to help me be successful.
There are standards in place for every situation. Right now, this is my chapter.
But I still sit and have that burning flame to buy a plane ticket and go. Because that's just it...I'm 25. With no kids. No husband. No mortgage. I will. I'll go. There's still so much to see. It's just in a different way I realized.
Because just as important traveling is, so is hard work. I've never known your typical balance. My balance is more on the end of extremes. Bust my ass. Then be super spontaneous and buy a two month plane ticket with the mind frame of "I know what I bring to the table if I don't have a job to come back to" ....but can I get that job secured? Haha.
I've been told:
"You're a pit bull, Shayna. (Then why am I not as muscular as one) You get fresh meat in front of you...a challenge you've never had...and you take it on full force. You attack"
Maybe it's my weakness. Maybe it's my strength. Either way, it's your opinion.
I'll either intimidate you or inspire you. The choice is yours.
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