More smiling tears than I had the tissue for
The last time I wrote my blog, I was laying on a "desk" at the school in the humid heat during our lunch break Tuesday afternoon.
I asked if anyone wanted to help me raise $150 to buy backpacks for the kids at school.
Wifi is limited here and that's the only time I get updates. Plus the 15 hour time difference I knew not everyone would see it right away. But I asked anyway. I thought about it before I asked, not wanting people to feel "obligated to help" and donate.
But I knew that I had to do something and I wanted to open the door to anyone else who might want to do it too. I had no idea what one little question was going to do.
I went back to the afternoon classes and began to teach my kids, since they were struggling still with "sh", I decided to teach them the song "You are my sunshine"
I have had this sung to me since I was born by my mother and it holds a very special place in my heart. It also has a lot of "sh" in it. The teacher, Mr Chean that I've been with all week asked me..."what does sunshine mean?" I told him...someone who brings light into your life. It was right then and there Mr Chean started to tear up. He loved it and couldn't wait to teach the kids.
So we did...and we added hand motions to it so that they could learn quicker.
After this day at class I was still trying to find a way to leave my mark there and I thought, if anything else maybe this will be it.
After school, we took a boat ride on the biggest lake in Southeast Asia. It looked like the ocean to be honest, a dirty one. Here I was thinking I could go swim in the "lake", jump off the boat...asked if they had wakeboarding.... oh how naive I was.
For starters, it was crocodile filled. Could you imagine that headline? American girl tries to wakeboard but ends up swimming with the crocodiles in Southeast Asia's largest lake....
We had such an amazing sunset cruise!
I was so exhausted after this, I went to bed! I woke up the next morning and Holy Shit!
My small idea to ask for just a few extra bucks to help these kids turned into $580
I was overwhelmed at this point...I cried at least 3 times just reading and getting updated on all the people who had shared it, who had donated and who had commented with love and support.
I couldn't even begin to fathom how quickly everyone was to help. It touched my heart in such a way...never had I witnessed a direct support and such a direct impact.
Well shit, now what?! That was a lot of money to spend in one day. I had to get busy, but I also needed to still teach the kids. We taught from 730-1030 and 1-4 so I utilized my break time.
I told my tour guide about the money and that I needed him to help me take the next steps. My volunteer group also raised about $180. He was pretty amazed with the situation and we went straight to business!
During our break, we went to the market and picked up 240 toothbrushes, 240 toothpaste and 240 soaps! We also got basketballs and soccer balls.
We found a vendor who sold backpacks. We agreed on the bulk price of $5.50 per backpack. But I wanted to split it between two vendors so two separate families got to see some money as well. We had enough money for 100 backpacks! We ordered them to get sorted out and picked up the next morning before class.
Thursday morning, our last day...such little time for kids who held such a big place in my heart.
We go that morning and pick up the bags and also fresh fruit for every kid to have as well.
100 backpacks were quite heavy! It took 4 of us and a whole tuk tuk filled with backpacks! I couldn't wait to pass these out.
I couldn't wait to see my kids faces, not even giving them things...just to show up and actually see their natural smiling faces. Because the truth is, they always were. They could be in the same clothes from yesterday, no shoes on their feet, with only a strand of rubber bands tied together to jump over as a game and always, ALWAYS have a smiling giggly face.
We showed up to school and immediately it was waving children saying "teacher teacher teacher"
My heart melted. We first taught them how to wash their hands. It was amazing the looks on their faces and showing each other their hands. They were so amazed at the color of them. Being of lighter skin is something sought after here in Asia. They have "whitening lotion" where we have tanning lotion. Interesting, huh?
They were showing off their hands to one another when we had them line up, so we could pass out the toothbrushes, soap and toothpaste.
Now it was time for the backpacks, we only passed them out to students who didn't have one. (I only had 100 total between 240 students)
They were in random order and it honestly took me by surprise when I handed out this purple backpack to him, only to realize it was a "girly" color and asked if he wanted to switch it to blue. He shook his head no and hugged his purple backpack tight. Not one single student complained or even had anything less than a glowing smile when I gave them each a backpack whether it was "gender accurate"
This is truly an example of how amazing their hearts are with such little they have.
My time here has come to an end...but I say that sparingly. I've left a piece of my heart here and I honestly think this part of me will continue in its own way.
Thank you for all of your support and love. You've brought so much tears but happiness to my eyes.
"I will sail my vessel, until the river runs dry. Like a bird up in the wind, these waters are my skies. I'll never reach my destination, if I never try so I will sail my vessel until the river runs dry."
thank you for sharing it all with us...thank you for my morning tears...thank you for touching the world with your heart filled love...for spreading God (love) ... for seeing the beauty in others...for being amazing...i love you!