27 Questions That Every 27 Year Old Should Answer

Tomorrow I turn 27. I decided it would be a good time to do some reflection and you know just as much I am a private person in some ways...my writing is not. I really enjoyed sitting and answering these questions and giving me a better understanding of who I am.

Naturally, after I completed this I had to go back and count how many questions this gave me...mother truckers only did 24. It just doesn't seem right that this wouldn't be titled "27 Questions" instead of 27 dresses...this may or may not have something to do with the fact that I'm turning 27 and not 24 but that's neither here nor there. 

So I had to go dig for 3 more...Hope you enjoy! 

What does your ideal day look like?
       I get a full 8 hours of sleep, I wake up, practice yoga as the sun rises. Then I have my cup of coffee and I sit and watch my surrounding and take in the beauty of this world. I have a clear mind. A fresh perspective and a smile on my face. As I continue on my day, I am able to meet a new face, a new story, a new perspective. This opens up my eyes and helps me understand my place in the world and how small it is. I reach a goal. Whether professionally or personally, I have a win in the books. I learn something new. I hear a new quote. I find a new song. The ideal day for me, to keep learning in one way or another. I get in some fitness, I share laughs with those that mean the most to me. I have alone time. I talk to my mom before bed and I hear her say "Gd Rest on your pillow." I have added a page to my chapter and am able to allow it some meaningful content. 

What did you want to be when you were younger?
       I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to grow up and be successful, measuring it by winning trials in the courthouse. Not only did I want to be a lawyer, I wanted to be a criminal lawyer. Although, I never decided which side I wanted to fight for. Prosecutor or Defense Attorney. In my head, lawyers were not dominantly woman, I wanted to stand out. I wanted to overcome obstacles. I wanted to be THAT woman who you feared. I wanted to be damn good at what I did. 

What are you most inspired by? Why?

       I am most inspired by traveling. I think that is an easy answer that most could agree with. Traveling opens my eyes to new cultures, places and people. It's an incredible journey where your "norms" are nonexistent. You don't get up a get ready for work. You don't follow your routine. You don't always have the same luxuries that you are used to, like coffee creamer. Heck, hot water sometimes. It allows you to see that the world is full of different situations, different living environments, different "norms." If you want to feel insignificant and humble, go travel. You learn how many more people are out there, with their own lives...so the next time you get cut off on the freeway, it's a little bit easier to not take it so personal. Because you realize, most of the time, your circumstances are not personal. They just are. You couldn't grow if things were just one way. If everything worked out. If you were never challenged. But the next time you are challenged, you realize...it might not need to be looked at as a "challenge," but simply, your next life lesson. Life is pretty simple and when we go through our day to day activities it is easy to over complicate things that happen out of turn. 

Who would you love to meet? What would you ask?

      I would love to meet Will Smith. He is so intelligent, humbled and truly remarkable I think. I would first start off by asking him, "what is your favorite saying" because I truly think this answer can tell you more about someone than you'd imagine. It can tell you their perspective, circumstances that carry a lot of weight with them in order for that to hold such a strong meaning to them, the depth of their mind in some ways. Is it a simple saying? Is it two fold? My favorite saying is "Let it be," as I have had to learn with many things in my life, stressing doesn't change your situation...overthinking and trying to search for the right answer doesn't always work. Sometimes...you just have to "let it be" and it is often in the times where you least want to. As humans, as a woman, we are inclined to want to "fix" things. We are wanting to find solutions to our problems. It is easy to work towards an answer, it is not easy to just "let it be." I think that this question posed to Will Smith would open doors to an endless conversation where I would learn so much. 

What habit would you most like to break? What habit would you most like to start?

Spending countless hours on instagram as a go-to. i would like to start writing at least once a week. I feel empowered when I am able to just free my thoughts into words. When I can let other people in that way, or even myself. I find myself being honest with my thoughts when I just get to writing. Who knows, if I write everyday maybe I could write a book! Ha. 

Think of a person you truly admire. What qualities do you like about that person?
She is someone I believe everyone who encounters her admires. She is kind and not just the kind because she knows it's the right thing, she is TRULY kind. Her heart is there far before her head tells her she might be stretching herself too thin. She thinks of life as it being her duty to make sure she helps anyone and everyone (I don't say this lightly) in their current struggle. Whether it is a student who didn't get into the last class they needed to graduate on time or a coworker who becomes a friend as she helps them fight cancer. This quality is far more than just an admiration, it is an ambition of mine. Although it sometimes becomes a struggle because she is truly SELFLESS and won't allow herself to take care of her needs before she takes care of others, you cannot blame her or the heart God created inside of her.

She is a daughter, an aunt, a cousin, a grandmother, a great community member and truly my best friend. She is my mother. 

How do you like to relax?

I don't...lol. But really, I like to spend time alone. In a coffee shop or outside. I like to sit with my headphones in but no noise playing. I like to watch. To listen. To appreciate. 

What do you love about yourself?

I love that I'm never afraid. I might be scared to do something...but that doesn't mean I wont do it. I go after what I want. I seldom let others opinions change mine...we can say this might be a fault too but let's not get technical. 

When was the last time you did something you were afraid of?

July. I took a job in a town I didn't live in, in a career I hadn't experienced, with a pay that might not have mapped out.

Overall, I wouldn't say I'm fearless, but I definitely always challenge myself to keep pushing and to just pull the trigger on things. It's a blessing and a curse.  

What are you most proud of?

That at the end of the day, I don't settle. I don't let others tarnish my decision, if I want something, I go get it. I create opportunity and I don't sit around and wait for it. Again, a blessing and a curse. 

What are you most afraid of?

Leaving my family. Moving away from them where it isn't a short drive to them. I am afraid to not be the Aunt that my nephews and soon to be niece need me to be. I am afraid that sometimes I am not the sister I wish I could be. I am afraid to let myself down from the standards that I set for myself. I am afraid mostly of living a life that I am not proud of. That I one day wake up and regret. I am afraid to put things off until tomorrow, that become all the yesterday's. 

If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

How funny, I didn't even read this next questions when I wrote the last response. I would regret not starting my own nonprofit. I am currently working on it, however, it's a journey I'm learning and not an easy pull of a trigger that I am so often used to that a plane ticket can fulfill. 

Who would you like to connect (or reconnect) with? Why?

I'd like to connect with myself when I was 18. I'd like to tell her that it all is okay, that stress never brought her any good and would continue to only make matters worse. I would tell her to love deeper, be kinder, be more open minded and to just sometimes, "let it be." Don't chase happiness, don't be afraid to talk about your past and speaking to a therapist helps you; not hurt you. I'd tell her to not let her insecurities overtake her circumstances. I'd tell her to spend more time alone to really learn who she was and what she wanted. I'd tell her that buying that VW Jetta is not a good decision Haha. 

What qualities do you admire in others?

I admire passion. I admire hard work. I admire kindness. I admire depth. I admire their unique perspectives. 

What makes you angry that really shouldn’t?
When people order the whole menu and i'm in a hurry to get my coffee (or burrito lets be honest...) Ordering that much means, they are keeping that business successful and the employees that works there. It also means they are probably doing something kind and getting more than just themselves something to eat. This goes back to the hurry hurry hurry lifestyle we live and that I unfortunately am a participant of. 
What practical skills do you wish you had?

I wish I could sing or had some sort of artistic ability. I don't carry much of that talent. But if that's not practical enough, I wish I could reach the top shelf. Ha. 

Imagine you’re in your 90s. What memories would you like to have? What stories do you want to tell?

Endless. I would like to have memories of humbling experiences. I would like to have memories of pure love. Of family dinners. Crazy thanksgivings and Christmas's filled with laughter. I would like to remember moments when I felt God in my life strongly. I would like to have memories of "wins." Things I accomplished. Crazy things I did that I look back and think "where did I find that courage?"  I want memories of my kids. I'd hope by 90 I'd have a few haha. 

What is your favorite book/movie/song? Why?

Song: The River, Garth Brooks. Because it defines how I want to live my life...never afraid. Never sit on the shore lines and watch other people live my dreams. Chose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tide. My dreams are ever changing. But I say this affirmation "I'll never reach my destination if I never try so I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry" 
Book: Don't Stress the Small Stuff,..and it's all the small stuff. Simple, it's in the title. It's an easy read, I've never been one with a huge attention span when it comes to reading. It is quick life lessons that really force you to slow down before you "react" instead of respond. 

If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?

I wish I could change people's willingness to see alternative views. It is in this lack of openness that we find troubles and stagnate ways. 

How do the current people in your life make you feel about yourself?

Deserving. Every single person in my circle, in my life...work or at home...they all make it known to me that this life I have, the success I get, the adventures I take...that I deserve it all. They all know how to reassure me when I feel like I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I could NEVER understand why I have been blessed with so many people who universally make me feel that same thing. 

What do you love to do for, or give to others (not an object – something from you personally)?

I love to take care of others, help with the everyday things. I love for my presence to make their life easier, not more complicated. 

What excites you?

Life. Simple as that. Watching people interact. Learning something new. Challenging myself. Let's be honest...my cozy ass bed too! 

What do you wish you did more of?

Read. People's stories and perspectives are so incredibly valuable even if I don't agree. If I was to read more books, I would be able to understand just a little bit more of the world. 

Pretend money is no object. What would you do?

We all know this answer...I'd travel. I would bring those I love with me. I would show them the world first hand and not just through my words. I would help those in countries that are less fortunate and give them as much as I can as far as lasting resources. I would spread my sunshine as far as it could go.

What area of your life, right now, makes you feel the best? Which area makes you feel the worst? Why?

Best: work. I have taken on a new challenge, I have demonstrated my abilities to a new company that is beginning to recognize me. I have so much room for growth and learning and I very much intend to. Which is why it makes me feel that much better...because it's not just that I've accomplished something, it's that I have MORE to accomplish. That's big for me. 

Worst: My savings account. It is no where near where I'd like it to be at this stage in my life. However, I am the type who buys plane tickets and doesn't stack my cash for fun. I know there is a security to it...but I always say, what if I died tomorrow...what would that savings account being so high do for me? I have that luxury right now because I am on my own and am only responsible for myself. However, this is an area I want to improve more. 

Let’s jump forward a year. What would you like to have achieved in the past year?

I'd like to have learned Spanish. I would like to be approaching Top Sales, if I haven't already. I would like to have a place on my own without a roommate. I would also like to have visited a new country...and a Dallas Cowboys game. 

What piece of advice would you give to five year old you? Sixteen year old you? Twenty-one year old you? Right now?

Let it be. Relax. But keep pushing. Don't get comfortable...and do your damn homework. 

How do you want to be remembered in life?

Relentless. Strong. Caring. Adventurous and always helping whoever she could. Recently I wrote my will. I know I am young, but I also know that life is short. I want to be celebrated not mourned. I want a party with lots and lots of stories. The good and the bad. I want to be remembered...I want someone to want to see the way I live my life and be the reason they pushed to do a little more in theirs. 
