A day on top of the world...
Machu Picchu! It's time to see you, you magnificent unexpected ass-kicking historical beauty!
It's 4 AM, it's pitch black outside as we are in a deep valley of the green luscious mountains. Oh, AND it's raining...
Do you really want to hike it or just buy a bus ticket? Hell no girl, get your ass up!
I'm up I'm ready...I'm...unprepared. In all aspects. You know how there always has to be that one person who forgets their poncho when it's pouring rain? What about the one who doesn't have a flashlight on a dark trail?
Here I am! Yet another example of how Shayna doesn't like to do things the easy way! That was me the morning of, no poncho, no flashlight. Hmm. This should be interesting! Luckily the owner of the hotel had an extra poncho she let me borrow. What on earth would I do without people?
I start my journey, trying to catch up to one of the more prepared hikers who has a flashlight...yeah well, that guy is 6'5 and let's just say our strides are much different. Excuse me could you slow the fuck down or maybe give me a piggy back ride?
The altitude is kicking my butt...with the extra strides to keep the pace of the flashlight which was about as valuable as brakes when you're going downhill. It meant not falling off the edge, or getting attacked by a llama.
Finally, we caught up to another group with a flashlight...Hasta Luego tall man I got new friends now! With my shorter legs. #ShortGirlProblems
The rain hasn't let up, we start the hike...step after step. Not hills. Not a progressive climb. Step up. Step up. Oh and step up again. Some of which were as big of steps as my legs. Wtf was I thinking?
The buses start to cross our paths...I officially hate everyone on that bus. Here we all are, hiking up these steps...encouraging each other in so many different languages. Universal thumbs up was my go to. After about an hour and a half we have arrived! We made it! Where's my tshirt that says "I climbed to Machu Picchu"? a medal? A cookie? Water? Anything?! Fine.
I bought the extra ticket for Waynapichu, it was an additional place to explore and only 400 visitors were allowed a day in 200 increments. I guess I should've done my research...guess what that meant? A whole other steep ass hike up another mountain. Dear God, help me.
Let's do this I think to myself...my legs are pretty much cursing at me in both languages. Maybe they thought Spanish would sound more intimidating. "Pincheeeee Chyna"
Have you ever gone to the gym and done the stair stepper? ...for 6 HOURS?! This was literally my life right now, all I could think was...my ass better look damn good after this!
Step after step...each leading closer to a view hopefully that would be unbelievable. The rain had let up but the clouds were still so thick. We supposedly only were allowed to be on the mountain for 1.5 hours...Pshh. My legs say otherwise. I'm most definitely not getting to the top, just to come back down. I've broken rules before, I'll do it again. I'm getting closer and closer to the top...all I can think is thank god for these thick clouds because I can't truly see how high up I am.
Since I've overcome chlostrophobia...might as well. I'm huffing and puffing and I see these 4 older people ahead of me, around my grandparents age...doing JUST fine. I'm on the verge of tossing in the towel and here they are kicking my ass. There's a reality check and a motivation if I ever needed one. Keep going you lard ass, pull yourself together...
I'm here! To the top! (You'd think there would be like a flat area to hang out and watch the view?) ha! Why make it easy or safe for that matter? I'm seriously concerned I didn't have to sign a safety waiver for this hike. The top was boulders on top of boulders, The welcome sign at the top should've said, "Hope you can find a spot and not fall."
I was there and the clouds were not allowing any view...Nice try clouds, I've got all day...I'm waiting this out.
I waited an hour and a half...it finally broke! I was so excited. The view was something so amazing...I knew this was a special moment. I literally felt on top of the world. What do you do when you're on top of the world? You call your mom. I had to...this was such a special moment...I had to share it with my best friend. My biggest supporter. The reason I have this passion, strength and heart.
The view is deceiving. I couldn't finally see how high I was...how the eff am I getting down alive? I either need to make a friend for the sake of distraction or I need to pop a Xanax...oh look 3 girls my age!
We walked down together...procrastinating the trek when we could!
I enjoyed Machu Picchu for about another hour or two. Hanging with the llamas, trying to find the emperor, people watching and sight seeing.
It was an amazing day that I'll never forget...but I was DEFINTELY taking the bus back down. Home bound!
i love and appreciate you taking us on your journey...its a real adventure and I am so proud of you. I can only imagine the challenges of this particular day and your do what you always do...you push through with determination that always gets you to the top....YOU ROCK GIRL!