For the love of life.

Let me start off with the fact I've written a blog like this once a few days ago...and didn't save it. 

The reason I'm sharing this, is because this begins to shine on me just what has changed within me. Priorities of my energy. 

Sure I could've been pissed off. I could've refused to try again. I could've been so irritated I threw my phone. But I didn't. And here I am...rolling my eyes with laughter. 

I made my trek to Argentina, with several travel struggles along the way. Fell asleep at the gate for my plane and almost missed my flight, I awoke by the lovely call over the intercom for my presence at gate 7...3 feet awayI just wanted to hear my name and make things more complicated than necessary. I didn't wake up alarmed, I woke up with thankfulness. I didn't panic. I said "well that would've been fun!"

I arrive in Argentina, searching for my ride on all those signs of passengers names being held up by someone...well, I'm not Theresa but I miiiiiight be Cheryl. Going against my desire to hurry and get to the place, hoping I could be Cheryl...that damn italic conscious says, that's how you get kidnapped and that's how Cheryl doesn't make her way to Harold at the senior citizen center, you should probably not take her ride even if it's equipped with handicap accessibility when your legs are donzo! 

Fiiiiiiine, I come to realize my ride is at the airport 2 hours away. Classic miscommunication. Taxi it is, taxi gets lost. Taxi says "aqui aqui!" When we are in front of a liquor store... Yes, yes I would like some but that is not where I'm staying, do I look like an alcoholic?

Shayna gets to walk in circles. In her sweats and jacket since that's my biggest clothing and must wear for travel. Shayna is following Google Maps who thinks one-way streets apply to WALKING directions as well. Circles, circles I tell you! Shayna finds it. Shayna gets to her room, plugs in her phone, sets down her stuff and goes back to the main room. Shayna locked her keys inside of the room. No one is home. Shayna finds a hangar, a rope, a stick and the smallest window in the whole world. 

To sum it up, travel day was rough. But I didn't panic, I didn't cry, I didn't get mad...I laughed. I didn't think twice about it. Clearly you are if you are blogging about it dumbass. 

But this is my point...I'm learning to go with the flow in ways my anxiety ridden, panic attack having, overthinking self would disown me. And she has. I'm not that person anymore. This Latin American culture has brought to me...peace. 

"Omg! South America? Who's going with you? Alone? Are you fucking crazy? Go to Europe instead...Get pepper spray! Be careful! I worry. What if you get kidnapped? Please find someone to go with." 

These are exactly the responses I received when I told people about my trip. Dear God, you have it wrong...

Not once have I felt unsafe since I've been here. I haven't been worried or concerned. I haven't felt scared or that I was in danger. Okay maybe that one block in Lima...but honestly, it's amazing. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe 90% of Americans don't even have their passport...and the majority who do, don't go to South America. 

The culture isn't wealthy...but economic status doesn't define a good or safe country. Sure, it has effects... I'm not that naive. However, there's far more risk in my local town than in these places I've been. The economy isn't strong, but maybe that's just what makes it so beautiful. Their priority isn't wealth. 

For example, I met a woman names Georgina. She is a 29 year old criminal lawyer here in Argentina. She works 8AM-2PM Mon-Fri. That's what? 6 hours a day. 30 hours a week. Let's let that sink in...

Let me repeat myself, 6 HOURS A DAY! A lawyer! A criminal lawyer! She has the whole month of January off and 10 days off every 3 months. Talk about jealousy...

Why? They prioritize living. They prioritize  togetherness. Family time. For those who work longer days, they get siestas. Nap time. Wtf! That's a thing?! Send my favorite pillow, I'm staying here! 

In case you weren't first night here I was looking into activities around town, all of which didn't start until midnight. Tango clubs don't open until 1:30 AM. Asados (BBQs) don't start until 10 PM. Dinner is at 11 PM. Don't these people work tomorrow?! But it's just that...they do. But they don't spend today or tonight worrying about work tomorrow, they focus on living TODAY! Or maybe they will be utilizing their siestas and that's exactly why they have them. 

Wow. I feel like life as I know it is so wrong. I grew up in a culture that has such messed up priorities. Don't get me wrong, I get personal satisfaction out of being successful in my work. Yet, they have nap time...come on, who wouldn't want that? 

Living. Going with the flow. A light spirit and a full heart. That's what I am right now. 

To further explore this new person, these new ideals...I book a ticket to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay for the weekend. Add a country. Add a stamp. Why not? 

This...this is living. 
