De Ja Vu.

I'm here again. That familiar place. Good ol LAX and Backpack. 

Minus the two hour bumper to bumper traffic it took to get here, there is just something about this place that brings me peace in a world of obvious chaos. 

A controversial Presidency, a protest driven country, one bad news report after the other...theres such a divide in the world right now. 

Itch...there it goes again. It's time to go back to the basics. Can I keep the conditioner this time? 

A backpack. The world and my heart that's eager for some adventure. 

I'm headed to a 14 day Volunteer Trip. 2 weeks 2 Countries. 

Ya ya ya, I know. Only two weeks? That's not enough blog time for the audience 😂 I'll continue being funny  in real life too, I promise. 

For those of you who don't know, I'll be volunteering in an elephant village in Thailand and with the children in Cambodia! I know your worried...I'm so little...and the elephants, they are so....they are so...BIG! 

I think it's important to remember how little I am. Put things into perspective when I get caught up in trying to be so, "big" in all that I do. Of course, this will be a literal image...but hey, I'm a visual learner. 

My world started to become what I promised myself it wouldn't, stressful, hectic, going through the motion with no thing in sight to look forward to. (...and not because I was too short to see it.) 

I found myself in a very familiar place. Heavy hearted. I need to lighten up my soul. That's how deep I want that repair to be. To my core being of what gets me through these days. 

The last few weeks I really tried to focus on this new lifestyle...okay, it's not "new" per se...I've just failed more times than I can keep track of. 

Putting my thoughts into perspective, "Is it worth being stressed? Will it change anything? Will you remember this next week? What about next year? Is what you're saying and thinking a good use of your energy? Did you remember to breathe?" 

The answer is no, to all of it. Even the breathing part...I kept reacting. Kept doing the actions. Kept thinking the thoughts. I'm lacking self awareness. Lacking remember to breathe and look at how beautiful it is outside. 

I hope over these next two weeks you will watch me unfold again, into another more kind hearted version of myself. 

Stay tuned! 

Now where's the Dramamine and Wine? Put my ass to sleep for the next 16 hours of my plane ride to China, where a 7 hour layover will occur. 

Lesson One: Patience. 


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