A City that took the first piece of my heart...

Lima, Peru. Ever heard about it before this trip? Ever thought "If I'm ever going to travel the world one day I need to make sure LIMA is my first stop?!" Probably not. 

Did I have one too many glasses of wine the day I made that my choice? Well, Jesus made water into wine...and I drank wine...obviously me drinking that wine made me discover and decide on Lima...which turned into me experiencing a hidden, less spoken about gem in this world. Does that make me a miracle worker too? Eh. Close enough. 

This city...this busy, noisey, beautiful, worn, old and new city took a piece of my heart. From the detailed cathedrals, to the colorful buildings, the sunsets and local music on the beaches of Barranco but most importantly the people of Lima, Peru.

I was on Day 4 when I realized I hadn't had any form of normal and ongoing conversation here. The language barrier kept me to key phrases and confusion. I felt like I had conquered to city, I was a regular on the city bus now. I was a local in the streets. Except my white skin was a dead give away that I was American...and maybe this shirt...the writing on it is in English...way to be successfully incognito Shayna! I was about as successful with that outfit choice as I was with ordering lunch. 

I'm walking down the streets of Barranco and started to cry as I finally had my "Travel Ahha" moment! I'm 24, in Peru...on a Round The World Trip! Living my dream. Let me just tell you there is no better feeling in the world than being proud of yourself. "You go Glen CoCo" I tell myself...(for all you old folks it's a term of something similar to "Way to go kid") 

Dancing my way down to the sunset to treat myself to a glass of wine, okay...not dancing exactly, more like a limp from walking 12 miles that day and a hair flip to spice it up. Wine...sunset...ahhh. 

So to further exemplify my fantastic ordering skills...Vineo. Wine. Blanco. White. No problemo. I wanted a glass of wine and watch the sun go down while listening to some acoustic Spanish songs. Next thing I know...the waiter comes back, with a BOTTLE of White wine. Uhhh, excuse me? Lol what did I order? 

Then I think about it...eh. Let the miracles begin again!!! Wine not? I was in such bliss. That's the only way to describe it. 

I finished my bottle (relax everyone it was a baby-ish size bottle) I walked back up to the main square where there was live music yet again, I stayed for a few songs but then decided to head back...the duo had asked me to stay longer and listen to the next song. I didn't understand it at the time but I was enjoying the music so I stayed...then I had to use the restroom. The girl in line in front of me looked like a traveler, with her boots. I said "Habla Ingles?" She said yes! Hallelujah, the miracles had arrived! 

Sabrina was her name, 28 and from Long beach. What are the odds? We talked and got to know each other. I was totally doing that happy dance inside that I do (similar to that embarrassing dance move I do out with my best friend at bars after one too many shots) Shayna made a friend! She was much more experienced than I was in traveling so we just mingled well. We spent the next day hanging out where we added a new friend to the group...Claire, 27 from Australia (she was totally allowed to sit with us because Ausies speak English Ha.)

...I think to myself, "Oh you know, just walking through Peru with my friends (insert overly confident snarky smiley face here)" 

It was an amazing final day in Lima and I couldn't be happier with my time here. This city took a piece of my heart and I will forever feel attached to it. It's only up from here...literally. (I think I'm punny) Cusco is like 20,000 ft above sea level. Okay, that's an exaggeration but it's way up there. 

If I encounter a talking llama by the name of Kuzco I'll be sure to abide by his orders as he's naturally an Emperor. 

See ya in Cusco!
